Tunes for Bears to Dance To- Robert Cormier

Henry and his parents have relocated to a new town following his brother Eddie's death. They live in a depressing tenement near a mental institution, also referred to as the "crazy house" by neighborhood kids. While his mother works long hours at the Miss Wicksburg diner, his father sits home in a deep depression. With not much money coming in, Henry takes a job at a corner market. His boss isn't the friendliest guy, but the work is okay. Henry needs the money to help support his family and also wants to buy a very special headstone for Eddie's grave.
One day Henry meets Mr. Levine, a holocaust survivor who spends his days carving his childhood village (which was destroyed by Nazis) in detail out of wood. It is so impressive that it wins an award and will be displayed under glass for the whole town.
Out of the blue- and out of character- Eddie's boss has a helpful proposition for him, one that will buy the headstone and then some. But what does he have to do in return?
Clocking in at only 101 pages, this was a quick, suspenseful read.
***1/2 stars.