Alexa's Review on Uglies Trilogy

I was going to review the third book in this trilogy, titled Specials. But then I realized that I really enjoyed the trilogy as a whole, more than I enjoyed the one single title.
You know, when you have a book that you cannot put down, and you don't really breathe until you finish it? That is how I felt when I first read Uglies. And then you realize that it is a TRILOGY! More fun to come. Yay.
Tally Youngblood is the main character. She is almost sixteen in the first book, and an ugly. As soon as she turns sixteen, she will have surgery that will transform her into a pretty. She can't wait. Imagine having all your imperfections just vanish, and being drop dead gorgeous. However, she soon realizes that becoming a pretty isn't exactly what she thought it would be.
Tally's misadventures follow in Pretties and then in Specials. I don't want to really give anything away, so I am not going to go into the plot sequence, but these books do delve into the
"what if?".
What if everyone looked pretty much exactly the same? What if to think differently than everyone else meant that you might be persecuted or hunted down? What if the people you grow to love, are the very people that you learn to betray? Ok, I won't say another word. I just think you should all read these books. They aren't higher learning, but they do make you think.
Thinking in the summer? Yes, thinking in the summer.